Home/Sylvia Mattens

About Sylvia Mattens

Sylvia Mattens houdt wel van een uitdaging en sprong in de onbekende diepte van het freedompreneurship om haar droomleven en business te creëren als leadership development strategist, corporate trainer met een passie voor outdoor & adventure education, internationaal spreker en co-auteur van het boek "Awaken the lioness within. The fast track to building your business with presence and purpose." Na meer dan 13 jaar bij de politie als psycholoog in trauma-opvang en HR manager ging ze helemaal voor de missie om leidinggevenden en ondernemers te empoweren en hen te begeleiden van personal flow naar business flow zodat ze de gepassioneerde reisbegeLEIDERS worden die de mensen van hun organisatie meenemen naar het succesvol bereiken van gemeenschappelijke doelen. Sylvia heeft als leadership coach, trainer & speaker een partnership het John Maxwell Team en is DISC Certified coach & trainer. Haar motto is "Leadership is a lifestyle not a job!".

    Work-life balance??? Life-work harmony!!!

    9 out of 10 people I meet want more work-life balance. But I simply don't believe in this concept. I think balance between work and life is an impossible quest that only generates frustration and stress. Are they truly two opposites, constantly competing for our time, energy and attention? Balance also creates an image in [...]

    By |2020-11-26T08:52:23+01:00November 8th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

      Summerbootcamp Turkije: The key to successful leadership is influence

      Live your life with passion and pursue your dreams, then the most unexpected and amazing things come your way! On august 9, I facilitate a workshop on leadership, communication and Istanbul! You want to boost your leadership, have more positive influence and impact on the people around you so that you can successfully achieve [...]

      By |2020-11-26T08:52:24+01:00August 30th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summerbootcamp Turkije: The key to successful leadership is influence

        When dreams come true: my first book!

        For a long time, writing a book has been one of my dreams. That dream has come true now. But being co-author of a book and writing together with women who share the same mission to inspire, to empower and to help people grow and having the opportunity to spread our messages around the world, [...]

        By |2020-11-26T08:52:25+01:00August 29th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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